The walls, ceilings, and floors of the level all appear to be constructed from the same white ceramic tile, with the only deviation from this color being the blue-green hue of the water.' Each area of the level varies greatly in size and structure, ranging from uniform pools and hallways to more open, abnormally-shaped areas. ['Level 37, commonly referred to as the Poolrooms, is an expansive complex of interconnected rooms and corridors slightly submerged in undulating, lukewarm water.
This map is a fairly large recreation of the Poolrooms concept, including illogical lighting, endlessly repeating white tiles, and an inescapable sense of loneliness! (I actually wrote Level 37 of the Backrooms!) As well as using it for pretty screenshots, NPC chases work notoriously well in this map's winding halls.
The Poolrooms, based off of the amazing renders by Jared Pike! [This is a scenic map, attempting to stick as closely as possible to the original renders, with no events.